LIVE: Gangs Push Guyana to Critical Point as Regional Leaders Scramble for Solutions

In a shocking turn of events, gangs have seized control in Guyana, bringing the nation to the brink of collapse as they attempt to overthrow an absent government. With the Prime Minister stranded abroad due to the gang’s occupation of the airport, the situation has escalated to unprecedented levels. The closure of the airport has not only isolated the country but has also prevented the Prime Minister from returning to address the crisis.

As the nation teeters on the edge, regional leaders are urgently engaging in discussions with the U.S. Secretary of State, exploring alternative political solutions to restore order. The Secretary of State’s involvement underscores the severity of the situation, as the potential for a full-scale government overthrow looms large.

The gangs, emboldened by the absence of effective governance, have taken control of critical infrastructure, further destabilizing the already fragile state. This crisis has prompted immediate international attention, with fears that the unrest could spill over into neighboring countries.

Live updates continue to pour in as regional leaders work tirelessly to broker a solution that could avert a complete collapse of governance in Guyana. The situation remains fluid, with the international community closely monitoring developments in hopes of a peaceful resolution.

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