RunDisney Faces Backlash After Removing Caleb Graves from Finishers List Following Tragic Death at Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon

Anaheim, Calif. — RunDisney is under fire after removing Caleb Graves from the official list of finishers at the 2024 Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon, a decision that has sparked outrage among fellow runners and supporters. Graves tragically collapsed and died after crossing the finish line during the race, held at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, but his recorded times have now been erased from official race results.

Graves completed the race and crossed the finish line before the heartbreaking incident occurred. However, his name no longer appears on the list of finishers, and all of his recorded times from the race have been removed. Many are expressing their grief and frustration over the decision, arguing that Graves deserves to be recognized for completing the marathon, despite the tragic circumstances surrounding his death.

“He finished! He deserves his time to be recorded as a finisher,” one supporter said, echoing the sentiments of many who believe RunDisney should reinstate his times in honor of his achievement.

What to Expect at the Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon 2024

Graves’ sudden death at the race’s conclusion has cast a somber shadow over the event, which is typically known for its festive, Halloween-themed atmosphere. The 2024 Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon, which draws runners from across the country, became the site of heartbreak for all who witnessed the tragedy. For many, the erasure of Graves’ results has added insult to injury, with calls for RunDisney to rectify the situation immediately.

As of now, RunDisney has not publicly commented on the removal of Graves from the finishers list. Runners and supporters are hoping that the company will reverse its decision and allow Caleb Graves’ name and times to be officially recorded as part of the event’s history.

This heartbreaking incident has sparked broader discussions about how to honor athletes who face tragic outcomes in competitive events, with many advocating for measures to ensure that their efforts are recognized and remembered.

Caleb Graves’ memory lives on among those who knew him, as well as the broader running community, who continue to rally for justice in his name.

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