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‘Hardest Geezer’ Russ Cook Completes 16,000km Run Across Africa After Surviving Robbery and Jungle Ordeal


British adventurer Russ Cook, known as the “Hardest Geezer” on social media, has successfully completed his extraordinary challenge of running the length of Africa, from Cape Agulhas, South Africa, to Ras Angela, Tunisia. His journey, spanning nearly a year, covered over 16,000km (9,941 miles) — the equivalent of 385 marathons — through 16 countries.

Cook, 27, set out in April 2023, determined to become the first person to run the full length of Africa. On Sunday, April 7, 2024, he crossed the finish line in Tunisia, where he was met by cheering supporters.

A Journey of Endurance and Resilience

The journey was far from easy. Cook faced intense physical challenges, including extreme heat, exhaustion, and treacherous terrain. However, the greatest hurdles were not only physical but also perilous encounters along the way. In Angola, Cook and his team were robbed at gunpoint, losing valuable equipment, including cameras, phones, and passports.

Russ Cook

In August 2023, Cook went missing in the Democratic Republic of the Congo after being separated from his support team in the jungle. He was held by local villagers armed with machetes and was only released after his team paid them off.

Social Media Support and a Visa Crisis

In addition to physical and security challenges, bureaucratic hurdles threatened to end the journey early. In January, Cook struggled to secure a visa to cross from Mauritania into Algeria. Facing the possibility of his challenge ending, Cook launched a social media campaign, which successfully garnered attention. The Algerian Embassy granted him a courtesy visa, allowing him to continue his journey toward the northern tip of Africa.

Raising Funds for Charity

Throughout his adventure, Cook raised over £600,000 for two charities: Sandblast Ltd, which educates people about the Sahrawi culture in the Sahara desert, and The Running Charity, which supports young people facing mental health challenges and homelessness.

This is not Cook’s first major feat. At just 22, with minimal running experience, he ran from Asia to England, proving his endurance and determination. Now, having completed what many believed was impossible, Cook has solidified his reputation as one of the world’s toughest endurance athletes.

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