Defying Defeat: Runner Crawls to Finish Line in Grittiest Marathon Display Ever Seen

John Conley, a lifelong runner and the Austin Marathon race director, has witnessed countless races, but none quite like what he saw on Sunday in Texas.

“What we witnessed was a true champion,” Conley remarked. “The toughest person on the planet.”

He wasn’t referring to Cynthia Jerop, the women’s champion, who completed the 26.2-mile course in 2:54:21.

Instead, Conley had anticipated seeing Kenyan runner Hyvon Ngetich finish first. Reports from the course indicated that she had led for most of the race.

However, with just two-tenths of a mile remaining, Ngetich began to falter, staggering before eventually collapsing. She attempted to rise and continue running, but her efforts were in vain, according to Conley.

Yet, Ngetich refused to give up.

Encouraged by the race’s medical team, who walked alongside her, Ngetich crawled towards the finish line.

“Despite how bad it looked, we knew she was determined to finish,” Conley stated.

runner crawls to the finish line

With only two meters remaining, Ngetich was overtaken by second-place finisher Hannah Steffan. Ngetich ultimately finished third, clocking in at 3:04:02.

Conley noted that Ngetich crawled more than 400 meters (1,312 feet) to reach the finish line, leaving her knees and elbows bloodied, and her hands stained from the pavement.

She was immediately taken to a medical tent, where she was treated for dangerously low blood sugar, Conley said.

Ngetich later told CNN affiliate KEYE that she doesn’t recall crossing the finish line.

Female Kenyan Runner Collapses During Marathon | Gets Back Up, Crawls &  Finishes 3rd | BellaNaija

Her “extraordinary effort” drew applause from nearly every marathon spectator and moved Conley to adjust her prize money, ensuring she received the same amount as if she had placed second.

“You ran the bravest race and crawled the bravest crawl I have ever seen in my life,” Conley told Ngetich on Sunday night. “You have earned great honor.”

Ngetich simply said, “In running, you have to keep going.”

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