President Irfaan Ali of Guyana makes announcement about Prime minister Resignation…

Guyana Prime Minister Mark Phillips Resigns; Transitional Authority to Govern Nation Until New Elections

In a significant political development, Guyana’s Prime Minister Mark Phillips has announced his resignation. The news was delivered by President Irfaan Ali of Guyana during a press conference held late Monday in Kingston, Jamaica. The announcement came as leaders from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) convened to address ongoing regional concerns, particularly the crisis in Haiti. President Ali, who currently holds the rotating chair of CARICOM, emphasized the need for a smooth transition in Guyana amid rising tensions.

The resignation of Prime Minister Phillips will take effect following the establishment of a transitional authority, which will govern the nation until new elections are held. This move is seen as a critical step in stabilizing Guyana, which has recently been plagued by political unrest and violence.

CARICOM issued a statement outlining the structure of the transitional council. The council will consist of seven members, with six representing various political coalitions within Guyana and one member from the private sector. Additionally, two non-voting members from civil society will participate in the council’s deliberations. The council’s primary responsibilities will include selecting a new prime minister and initiating the process for the upcoming presidential elections.

This transitional arrangement is expected to play a crucial role in guiding Guyana through this challenging period, ensuring that the country remains on a path towards stability and democratic governance.

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