“I’m embarrassed by Joel Hoekstra’s involvement with Whitesnake, and also by Ace Frehley afterwards.”

“I’m embarrassed by Joel Hoekstra’s involvement with Whitesnake, and also by Ace Frehley afterwards.”

In a recent podcast interview, Joel Hoekstra of Whitesnake and Trans-Siberian Orchestra recounted a memorable encounter with KISS icon Ace Frehley that left him with a new appreciation for the legendary guitarist’s rock star persona. Hoekstra shared this story during his appearance on the Jay Jay French Connection podcast, hosted by Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French.

The anecdote took place during a prestigious jam session at a Rock N’ Roll Memorabilia Museum while Hoekstra was with Night Ranger. The event featured a series of high-profile guests, including Frehley, Bun E. Carlos, and George Lynch. The room, noted for its wooden acoustics, was designed to accommodate a high-end crowd, and the sound setup was carefully managed to minimize excessive volume due to the unforgiving acoustics.

Hoekstra described the setup as being rather quiet, with the band keeping their amps at a low volume to maintain clarity. However, Frehley, true to his rock star reputation, arrived and immediately cranked his amp to its maximum setting. The result was a dramatic increase in volume that overshadowed the other musicians, making it difficult to hear anything but Frehley’s guitar.

According to Hoekstra, the situation became so loud and chaotic that he decided to turn off his own guitar. He felt that continuing to play would only add to the noise, which was already overwhelming due to Frehley’s amplified performance. Despite the challenging conditions, Hoekstra was impressed by Frehley’s playing and tone, acknowledging that the KISS guitarist still managed to deliver an impressive performance.

What stood out most to Hoekstra was Frehley’s reaction after the session. Frehley approached Hoekstra and complimented him on his playing, despite Hoekstra’s guitar being turned off throughout the jam. This gesture left Hoekstra both surprised and appreciative, underscoring Frehley’s charismatic and larger-than-life rock star persona.

Hoekstra reflected on this experience as a turning point in his understanding of Frehley’s impact on rock music. “That’s when I really understood Ace Frehley,” Hoekstra said. “He’s just a rock star. He’s larger than life, you know?”

The story not only highlights Frehley’s enduring presence in the rock world but also provides a glimpse into the dynamics of high-profile jam sessions where larger-than-life personalities like Frehley can leave a significant impression, even in less-than-ideal conditions.

This incident adds another layer to Frehley’s storied career, which has included numerous highs and a few notable regrets, such as his recent admission of selling a 1959 Gibson Les Paul to fund a gambling trip—a decision he now considers his biggest regret. Despite these ups and downs, Frehley’s influence and talent continue to shine brightly in the rock music landscape.

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