Man arrested on suspicion of manslaughter following death of ice hockey star Adam Johnson

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Adam Johnson played in the NHL with the Pittsburgh Penguins

Adam Johnson played in the NHL with the Pittsburgh PenguinsA man has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter over the death of ice hockey player Adam Johnson, South Yorkshire Police said.

Mr Johnson, 29, was seriously injured during a game between Nottingham Panthers and Sheffield Steelers on October 28 and died later in hospital, with a post-mortem confirming his cause of death was a neck injury.

Detective Chief Superintendent Becs Horsfall said: “Our investigation launched immediately following this tragedy and we have been carrying out extensive inquiries ever since to piece together the events which led to the loss of Adam in these unprecedented circumstances.

Ice hockey fans pay tribute to Nottingham Panthers player Adam Johnson

“We have been speaking to highly specialised experts in their field to assist in our inquiries and continue to work closely with the health and safety department at Sheffield City Council, which is supporting our ongoing investigation.

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