Celebrating Every Achievement: Why Every Race Matters at runDisney

Celebrating Every Achievement: Why Every Race Matters at runDisney

This past Sunday, I had a heartwarming encounter during lunch with a young woman who congratulated me on completing the weekend’s challenge. Her sentence, though full of kindness, ended with something that struck a chord: “I only did the 10K.” She explained that it was her first-ever 10K, but the way she said it—“only”—caught my attention.


At that moment, I realized something important about the runDisney culture we’ve created. There seems to be an unspoken mindset that completing any standalone race is “just” that race, as if it’s somehow less significant than completing the whole weekend’s challenge. This simply isn’t true. Running any race is an achievement that should be celebrated, regardless of distance or comparison to others.

I made sure to tell her that she should be immensely proud of herself—running a 10K is no small feat. It’s something that so few people have the determination, discipline, or courage to do. Her husband stood behind her, mouthing a quiet “thank you,” as if she had been “apologizing” for her accomplishment all weekend. That moment was a reminder that we need to shift how we view success.

Whether you ran your first 5K, 10K, half marathon, or participated in any race this weekend, you deserve to be celebrated. Running any distance is a personal triumph and a testament to your dedication. So let’s break this cycle of downplaying our achievements. Let’s hear your stories! Share your first 5K, your first 10K, or any race you conquered this weekend. And don’t forget the pictures—because every step, every mile, and every race is a victory!

Bonus points for showing off those race day smiles!

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